Grab someone you love and head out to the forest to connect with your senses, the earth and one another. This experience isn’t just for romantic lovers. Grab a close friend, parent, adult child or business partner… anyone you care deeply about. We’ll start out with a few solo forest therapy invitations, meant to slow us down and get us out of our heads and into our bodies. We will then participate in some partnership invitations, engaging our senses with each other and the forest. Followed up by sipping hot beverages together in the forest.
Taking place on Sunday, February 12th from 1:00 until 3:30pm at the trails at Union University in Jackson, TN.
Suggested fee is $75 per couple, but in order to make forest therapy available to everyone there are options to scale to $50 or $35.
Click the image below for more information and to register for this experience.